Birth Year:

Brayden was diagnosed with PKS at 3 days old. He was born at 35 weeks and placed in NICU for 34 days. Fortunately, doctors saw something different about the way Brayden held his hands so they checked his DNA. Sure enough we were blessed there was an answer and that answer was PKS. Brayden didn’t show much of the symptoms of PKS then nor does he now. Brayden makes strides each day. He can sit, take steps with assistance, eat anything, pull himself up in his crib and to our table and loves to grab things and throw them. He has low muscle tone but not compared to what other children have, he is very strong in the abdomen area.
Brayden is delayed developmentally. We would put him about a year behind other children his age. He does crawl and roll which we just started a few weeks before his 2nd birthday. His favorite thing to do is either be eating or be with grandparents.
As a young family we are blessed that there was an answer to what made Brayden so special. We live our life to the fullest and don’t let anything hold our family back. God blessed us with this special child and some days we may feel like giving up but in the end we were given this child for a reason and we may not know the reason now but in the end we will. I feel that God only chooses special people to give special children too.
USA - Iowa